Hearing Test

Approximately 3 million Canadians suffer from hearing loss, or 1 in 10 people. Hearing health decline is an invisible disability that can affect people of all ages and from all walks of life. Hearing loss is expected, however, often ignored by individuals until the effects of untreated hearing loss impact not only themselves but also everyone around them.

What is a Hearing Test?

A hearing specialist will first ask you a few questions. For example:

  • What situations do you find yourself in that cause you to think your hearing health has gotten worse?
  • Have you been/are you exposed to very loud noises at work?

A hearing test occurs in a soundproof booth, where your ear specialist will play sounds at different frequencies through insert headphones. These sounds cover the frequency range of 125 to 8,000 Hertz, very low to very high pitches. They are played in each ear individually and start at an easily audible level, which the ear specialist decides, and slowly decrease and increase in volume.

You will be asked to indicate each time you hear the sound by pressing a button. At the end of the hearing test with the insert headphones, the same test may be performed with vibrations on the skull. This test will be able to determine if there is any damage to the middle ear.

Your hearing health is evaluated using an audiogram that shows the test sounds on a scale and provides information on the decibels’ hearing thresholds level. Our Hearing Instrument Specialists, can then examine the frequencies at which the thresholds differ from normal hearing. This test is an integral part of the consultation on determining better hearing solutions tailored to your unique circumstances.

Afterward, our hearing specialists will explain the results and recommend the best hearing aids and/or styles that best fit your hearing loss and lifestyle.

At Evear Hearing Clinic, we offer up to a 30 day free trial period with all of our best hearing aids! We want you to have an appropriate amount of time to have peace of mind in your decision about your hearing aids!

Have You Noticed a Difference with Your Hearing?

Having a hearing loss might become noticeable for you as you start to miss out on the conversations with your loved ones in a busy restaurant, or you need to turn up the TV to be able to hear your favourite TV program properly. Safety can also be an issue with hearing loss. Imagine if you don’t hear the car right behind you when walking in a busy city or if you don’t hear the fire alarm in your home.

Self-Evaluation Questions

Answering the following questions with either “Yes” or “No” can give you an initial idea of how well you can hear:

  • Are speech and sounds loud enough, but unclear?
  • Do you feel others are mumbling or speaking unintelligible?
  • Do you find it challenging to follow conversations in large groups?
  • Is it more difficult when there is background noise? Ex. Restaurants or pubs.
  • Do others often ask for you to turn the TV down?
  • Do you no longer look forward to celebrations and events?

If you answered “Yes” to 2 or more questions, we recommend that you book a hearing test with a Hearing Instrument Specialist today.

Take Action

Hearing loss can be frustrating for you and the people around you. You may begin to withdraw, lose your self-confidence, and feel isolated from others, especially in group situations. Perhaps you even experience that it has become challenging to manage your job satisfactorily. When your brain is deprived of sound stimulation, it loses the ability to process sounds. The longer you wait, the more sounds disappear, and it takes more time to re-adapt. You get your vision tested regularly, but what about your hearing? It is recommended to get a routine screening at least every three years after turning 50. A hearing test can tell you if you have a hearing loss, and our hearing specialists can advise you on what you can do about it. At Evear Hearing Clinic, we want to ensure that you are confident that you have made the best decision about your hearing needs when you walk out of our clinic.